Thursday, June 2, 2011

UGH! and YAY!

The UGH for the day...Guy 5 - D wants to take me some place pretty expensive to celebrate an accomplishment his company reached.  For those of you not keeping track (okay, for just you and me 'cause I'm sure no one else is reading this), Guy 5 - D was the man who I thought would be decent as a friend but that was all there would ever be from my point of view.  I've now explained three times that all I want is a friendship.  I've now explained twice that it makes me uncomfortable when my friends splurge on expensive things for me when there's no chance of me reciprocating.  I know that's not why some people do nice things; but the vibe I get from Guy 5 - D is that he does want to be more than friends.  On the one hand, him splurging feels like I'm being wined, dined with the hope of....and that ain't gonna happen.  His splurging also feels like I'm taking advantage of him (which is why I decided to draw the hard line).  It feels like it might be time to just say good-bye because in a sense he's not respecting my boundaries (there's that word again).

The YAY for the day...Guy 8 - K (last night's great date) asked for a second date.  I know, I know...might turn into a frog on the second date.  But it just made me smile more than I was already smiling because of other very amazing things that happened for me today, including some very early morning reasons to smile as the dawn broke.

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