Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pressure...pressin' down on me.

Perhaps Mr. Frenulum is correct:  that K's comment was seeking reassurance and I should stop future tripping.  I absolutely don't want a man that thinks about door number two.  I deserve to be someone's priority and for the most part, the things K says and does imply I'm important...although I feel like I've slipped in the priority scale a bit this week.  Still, he does invest a lot in making me feel important to him.

So, I have to ask...why has he been on the online dating site within the last week?

I accidentally came across this information when I was shutting down my membership; I hadn't realized until just before I got busy at the end of July that it was on auto-renew and when I thought I had let it expired, it hadn't.  So I went on, and because his profile was linked to mine, it popped up and I could see that he had been on in the last week.  His profile is still active, so he wasn't on there to hide it or cancel his membership from what I can tell.

Yes, I intend to ask him about the next hour even.  I hope the explanation is reasonable; but honestly, I'm leaning toward being hurt.  Yes, I need more data before I can determine if being hurt is justified in the least. I hope it's not.  Yes, I recognize this inclination toward hurt is because I have been cheated on in the past.  I know he is not that man and he is the kind of person that would not cheat.  Still...

Perhaps he was, himself, feeling shaky last week, went there in case I was pulling away, and really was seeking reassurance as Mr. Frenulum suggests.  Only talking it through will give any answers; and it is, frankly, pointless to speculate.  But I'm writing out some of my worry here so I can be more rational when I talk to him shortly.

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