Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Over this bumpy road I've traveled, I've learned to laugh at myself...sometimes I think too much.

Today I was getting ready for date 2 with Guy 2 - B.  He's one of the guys for whom I felt the "I could lean in and kiss you" (trademark still pending) feeling.  Yeah, getting ready turned into a comedy of errors.

I have hair, just past my shoulders.  It's a very pretty brown, blond highlight combo right now.  I've always received compliments on my hair and it's one of my features I like.  I was getting ready today, blow drying it to look extra cute...and....wait, you must laugh at this next bit....got the round brush stuck in my hair.  I Know - been blow drying my hair for how long now?  The entire time (10 minutes) it took to untangle my hair, I was laughing.  I'm sure my roommates were thinking I went insane.  My sister said to just cut it out of my hair (never on your life).

I continued laughing as I put on my makeup, which then turned into a hilarity of eyeliner proportions.  Not that eyeliner is all that proportionate, but I gave myself smeary eyes that I then had to fix.  I wish I invested in Qtips back when I was investing.

Okay, whew, I survived getting ready and left for the date.  Driving per the instructions from google maps....I go to somewhere (still following what I was instructed to do) that is so obviously not the date meeting spot.  But Guy 2 - B was really sweet when I called and said I was lost.

Rolling up to the date, well at the stop light before the location, I look in the mirror to check for, you know, those face problems I always worry about...and realize I forgot to put on mascara.  I start laughing at myself again.  What card carrying woman forgets to put on mascara?  Seriously?  I may loose my membership if I'm not careful.

The date was fun, perhaps because I rolled up still giggling to myself.  We did something I haven't done for 14 years.  We had drinks and appetizers afterward.  We sort of went halvesies on the date, which for some reason always makes me a tad more comfortable even when I worry about being thrifty.

Then, as I sat down to write this, Guy 2 - B sent a text that he is fascinated with my hair and my lips.  Goofy smile abounds...but it's proof that without the difficult parts (like brushes stuck in your hair) you don't get the fun parts (like being told someone likes your hair).  Am I allowed to goofy smile after date 2?  Well, screw it I am.  I just might like this dating thing after all.

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