Saturday, September 10, 2011

Off topic?

A request to my loyal readership of three:  can you send positive vibes or thoughts or prayers (what ever is your preference) about a potential job situation for me.

Yesterday I had a positive phone interview with a recruiter for a job that is a change from my past career path, but using skills I've gathered working with a small company off and on for the last five years.  The potential employer wants someone with my type of advanced degree but in a completely unrelated industry, an industry I just happen to have some experience in.  The pay is about 2/3 of what I could make if I went back to my regular career path, but this job would be much more fun and I think it will have periods of down time (given the particular life cycle of the industry) that would allow me to have greater quality of life.  

The recruiter was going to recommend the company interview me in person because my resume uniquely matched their search criteria.  

To top it off, the position would also likely allow me to continue doing the projects I've been on for the last five years with the other company...which would bring my earnings nearly back to where they would be if I got a job for which my advanced degree is designed.'s hard to tell the story and disguise the facts to protect the innocent.  =)

I just really hope to get at least the in person interview because the job does sound interesting.  I'm sure I could be of help to the company and just want the opportunity to explain how I could help.

I titled this post as "Off topic?" because my job search has nothing to do with my dating life.  But the question mark is because finding a job does impact my relationship with K.  When I find a job, I think we'll both feel much more secure that there is a potential future together beyond my search deadlines.  It remains that I'll be looking for a stop-gap job this month if this current lead doesn't pan out.  A stop-gap would also help, 'cause I'm really, really enjoying my time with this man and I don't want to think about it ending for a stupid reason like I just can't find a job.

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