Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Chic Says Freak...Freak Out

So yesterday I basically had a mini-freak out.  I'm dating a guy seven years younger than I am, who can out cook me (that's not really saying much). He's the complete opposite in many ways from my ex.  If I wanted to sit down and write a list of the differences, K's list would end up sort of looking like my definition of a "future-him," although I am still figuring out if certain aspects of my nature are truly compatible with him.

And it's been a short time, but I really just like him as a person and really just like hanging out with him in a general a general, non-sexual way, although I like the sex, too (very much so).

So to me that indicates "feelings" are starting to develop.  When I recognized this yesterday, which I don't know why as I sort of already recognized it before, but yesterday it freaked me out a bit.  I started delving into a whole internal debate looking at every action, word and nuance.  For some reason, I started just being generally doubtful of my interpretation of things.  I grew convinced that I was the only one starting to develop "feelings."

I took advice I've actually doled out and talked to K.  It was hard to dive into but I think it was ultimately easier than trying to weather the freak-out storm on my own.  He affirmed why he's a quality guy worth investing some time in.  He talked it through...and acknowledged he is also starting to develop feelings.  Let's just say I'm happy I'm getting brave enough to just lay things on the table.  This is such a refreshing change.

Now the goofball in me has to say....I hope he's not just a figment of my imagination.

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